Friday Finds and Other Nonsense

1.  This should be abundantly obvious to everyone by now:

2.  While my Willie Nelson has never done something like this, I feel like this is something he would say:

3.  Speaking of fur babies:


4.  This is sad and very funny in the same breath.


5.  My current nail art:

I was sad about my thumb nail fail 😦

6.  I must be missing my dog today….too bad he has black fur–cause I would do this…everyday

7.  Seriously, if you are considering it, do it.  You could save someone’s life.  I have been on the registry since 1999.

8.  I love the idea, I hate it in execution

9.  GLOSSYBOX IS FINALLY IN THE US!  I loved my first one!  It’s like BirchBox on Crack!


I hope you all get a little giggle out of this today 🙂


Friday Finds and other nonsense.

1.  You know those guys you see sometimes (usually on public transit) with a tear tattoo’d on their cheek?  Turns out you can acheive this look at home with just a little sunless tanner and a laugh attack before bed.  Today I woke up with a tanned face and my very own tear stain right on my cheek–I’m so HOOD.

**I just checked urban dictionary for the meaning of said tattoo on thug face–I am terrified**

2.  On the topic of public transit.  Here is a tale of “The Hollywood Crow” as interpreted by me…FORGIVE ME FOR THIS M.

A few years ago, I lived in the ATL.  I have mixed feelings about my time here, but some really redic memories of this time that are PRICELESS.

One hot day in the MARTA station, my best friend and I were waiting on the platform all dressed up for a night on the town when suddenly….OUT OF NOWHERE a bird swoops in and ATTACKS/LANDS on my besties shoulder.  We obviously panicked.  While we are both animal lovers, I FREAKIN HATE BIRDS (I think its creepy how they move their necks and their eyes are weird too…I also don’t like all the flapping around–DRAMA QUEENS.)  She was under attack–on more than one occasion I tried to Ninja chop the bird, but I couldn’t seem to get the right angle.  This whole attack lasted at least 10 mins…or like a min.  All the while she was trying to escape it was flapping and pecking.  During the last half of the attack my BFF responsibilities took over and I stopped trying to Ninja chop the bird and started to dig thru my purse searching for the one thing I knew could fix this.  When the attack was over my bestie was SO MAD AT ME for not helping more and for laughing.  I thought I was being the best WING MAN-pun intended-EVER.  While she managed to get the bird away, I had found my hand sanitizer and was ready to commence emergency sterilization procedures.  Moral of the story?  DON’T EVER LAUGH AT SOMEONE BEING ATTACKED BY A CROW.  EVER–even months later–it will always be “too soon.”

3.  Since we are talking about Ninjas:


3.  Other Tragic Images:

4.  This is who I used to be:

5.  This is who I am now:

6.  Yesterday I wrote about the importance of a CONFIDENT smile.  Today I was inspired by my own blog and bleached my pearly whites:

In My Professional Product Whore Opinion:

DO IT.  I love these.  I get more compliments on my teeth than any other part of my body.

Whitening will make your teeth sensitive.  No one said pretty was easy.

7.  My new FAVORITE BLOG–This girl would be my best friend.  I think her accent is SEXY!!

Tanya Burr

This is where I originally fell in love with her-AND I ran out and purchased the Nars Catus Flower–Stand by for details

8.  I am always talking about not having kids.  I like kids.  I really do.  I understand the fulfillment in raising children.  I get that.  I’m just not sure its for us.  We thoroughly enjoy being DINK (Double Income No Kids) right now:)  THAT SAID, these two make my clock tick:

9.  My BirchBox has been shipped!  GET YOURSELF ON THE LIST:  BIRCHBOX

10.  Last day of the Shellac Experiment:

In My Professional Product Whore Experience:

Its been 12 days-Aside from obvious grow out, I LOVE THESE

Not a single chip!  Going back tomorrow for new BIRTHDAY WEEK/VACATION COLORS.  I plan to do my toes with Shellac too!!  I love it.  LOVE IT.