I got 99 problems, but chapped lips ain’t 1.

I just cleaned out my purse and found an alarming amt of lip products.   Seriously, who needs this many lip products???  I guess I do 🙂

That said, I maintain, I love my Dior Glow and would never downsize that one.  I will leave one for my office though.

The One Love pot is more of a lip care/all over moisture–clearly I need to keep that one!

The Laura and YSL are great colors for work/webcam–these I absolutely have to keep.

The Stainiac is a lip/cheek stain.  This is a just in case of emergency.  I have to keep this one for sure.

The Sugar I keep in the rare event that my SHH needs a lip balm that isn’t glossy or glittery.  @#AlwaysPrepared

And the Clinique is the only true gloss.  Its the closest color to my own lip color so I like it a lot.